BIRTH SONG BOTANICALS Children’s Respiratory Support Organic Herbal Tincture skt.7/2025
15 adet stokta

BIRTH SONG BOTANICALS Children’s Respiratory Support Organic Herbal Tincture skt.7/2025

Children's Respiratory Support Herbal Tincture supports children's respiratory and immune systems when they are congested and coughing. Comprised of natural, organic, safe herbs for kids, such as Elderberry, Wild Cherry Bark and Thyme.

Children Respiratory Support herbal tincture is my go-to remedy for coughs, colds, and congestion, especially when combined with Children’s Healing Herbal Bath.

Children LOVE the sweet taste, so it is easy to give to them!

Intended for children 6 months and older.

GENTLE SUPPORT for your kids' immune systems. Relieve congestion and coughing due to common colds that occur day or night.
MULTI-SYMPTOM RELIEF comes from a proprietary blend of elderberry, wild cherry bark, Oregon grape root, thyme, rose hips, vegetable glycerin and deionized water.
BEST HOMEOPATHIC FORMULA provides one of the safest, effective, worry-free and side-effect free alternatives to traditional over-the-counter medicine. Great for daytime, nighttime and bedtime.
FREE FROM TOP ALLERGENS such as milk, dairy, soy, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts and peanuts. Also NO aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, pseudoephedrine, dextromethorphan, alcohol or dyes.
EASY TO TAKE DOSAGE Just use 1 drop per 5 pounds of body weight, 1-5 times per day as needed.

Proprietary Blend: Organic Elderberry Fruit, Organic Wild Cherry Bark, Organic Oregon Grape Root, Organic Thyme Leaf, Organic Rose Hips Fruit, Vegetable Glycerine, and Deionized Water.

Serving size: 1-20 drops

Servings per container: 30-100

1 Ounce / 30 mL

Herb Strength Ratio: 1:2.2

Daily Value (450mg/ml)

Children's Respiratory Support does not contain any milk, dairy, soy, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, or gluten.

45.00 $

15 adet stokta


6. Aydan itibaren bebeklerde soguk alginligi,tikaniklik, oksuruk gibi durumlarinda bagisikligi guclendirerek iyilesmeyi hizlandirir. Annelerden aldigimiz geri donuslerde geniz akintisina da iyi geldigi bildirilmistir. Urunu her kullanimfan once calkalayiniz..Bebek ve cocuklarda her 2.267 kilogram basina 1 damla icebilecegi kadar az bir miktar suya ya da herhangi sevdigi bir icecege konularak gunde 1 ila 5 defaya kdr verilebilir.Geniz akintisi olan cocuklarda 1 yasindan itibaren 40 damla gunde 2-3 defa duzelene kdr verilir sonrasinda doz azaltilarak kesilir. 30 ml lik damlalikli cam sisededir. Fotografta goruldugu sekilde gelir. Kullanim bilgilerini sise uzerindeki etikette de bulabilirsiniz. Buz dolabi gerektirmez. Oda isisinda muhafaza edilebilir. sicak ya ya da soguk icecege katilabilir. Tamamen dogal bir urun olup koruyucu, renklendirici, tatlandirici, peraben icermez. Fiyata kargo dahildir. Onemli not: Bu urun bitkisel oldugundan icerigindeki bitkilere karsi alerjisi olan bebek ve cocuklar icin oncelikle doktorunuza danisiniz.

Urun içeriği:
Organik Mürver Meyvesi, Organik Yabani Kiraz Kabuğu, Organik Oregon Üzüm Kökü, Organik Kekik Yaprağı, Organik Kuşburnu Meyvesi, Bitkisel Gliserin ve Deiyonize Su


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